Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Edythe Mae Gordon  Bohemian girl. I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls  Edison Amberol: 89 
 2. John W. Myers  I dreamt that I dwelt in Marble Halls  Columbia Moulded Brown Wax 5631-2 
 3. John W. Myers  I dreamt that I dwelt in Marble Halls  Columbia Moulded Brown Wax 5631-2 
 4. Glenn Miller and His Orchestra  I Dreamt I Dwelt in Harlem  Glenn Miller and His Orchestra  
 5. Enya  Marble Halls  Paint the Sky With Stars: the Best of Enya   
 6. Enya  Marble Halls     
 7. Enya  Marble Halls  Paint the Sky With Stars: the Best of Enya   
 8. William Coulter  Marble Halls.mp3  Celtic Crossing 
 9. Enya  Marble Halls     
 10. Enya  Marble Halls  Paint the Sky With Stars: the Best of Enya   
 11. William Coulter  Marble Halls.mp3  Celtic Crossing 
 12. Tony Schwartz  Music In Marble Halls  You're Stepping On My Shadow 
 13. Charles Hackett  Bohemian girl: Then you'll remember me  Edison Blue Amberol: 1801 
 14. Creatore's Band  Bohemian girl. Selections  Edison Blue Amberol: 3539 
 15. Ernest Pike  When other lips [Bohemian girl. Then you’ll remember me]  Sterling Record: 414 
 16. Charles P. Lowe  Then you'll remember me [Bohemian Girl. Selections; arr.]  Columbia Graphophone Grand: 12010 
 17. Favours For Sailors  I Dreamt That I Dreamt That You Loved Me In Your Dreams  Furious Sons  
 18. Favours for Sailors  I Dreamt That You Dreamt That You Loved Me In Your Dreams   
 19. Favours For Sailors  I Dreamt That I Dreamt That You Loved Me In Your Dreams  Furious Sons  
 20. John W. Myers  The heart bowed down [Bohemian girl. Heart bow'd down]  Columbia Phonograph Co.: 5604 
 21. Arizona Amp and Alternator  Blue Blue Marble Girl  Arizona Amp and Alternator 
 22. Howard Pyle  05 - How Otto Dwelt at St. Michaelsburg  Otto of the Silver Hand 
 23. Howard Pyle  05 - How Otto Dwelt at St. Michaelsburg  Otto of the Silver Hand 
 24. Howard Pyle  05 - How Otto Dwelt at St. Michaelsburg  Otto of the Silver Hand 
 25. Elgar - LSO Choir - Handley  Choral Songs - My Love Dwelt In A Northern Land, Op. 18-3  Amazon 
 26. Bobb Bruno  Dreamt On  Dreamt On EP  
 27. The Dandy Warhols  And Then I Dreamt of Yes  Earth To The Dandy Warhols   
 28. Ed Hecht  I Dreamt I Was A Man   
 29. Bobb Bruno  Dreamt On  Dreamt On EP  
 30. The Dandy Warhols  And Then I Dreamt of Yes  Earth To The Dandy Warhols   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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